This is why I love Mark Suster. He consistently educates his readers at Both Sides of the Table and viewers on This Week in Venture Capital. I recently watched his talk from NYU and couldn’t resist recording these awesome, tweetable quotes:
Is it time to learn or is it time to earn? 8:40
Don’t hire people who are exactly like you. 10:30
Startups are dictatorships. 11:00
Most investors are no different from most people. They’re all sheep. 20:20
The four M’s of funding: management, market size, momentum, money. 20:35
When you want to get money, ask for advice. When you want to get advice, ask for money. 21:55
If you want to figure out how to get access to angels, the best way is to go network with avert other startup who’s raised angel money. 22:40
Create a sense of urgency in your business. 23:10
Don’t let your PR get ahead of product quality. 23:30
Flip burgers. 24:45
Do not be dismissive of your competition. 28:35
The skill that you need to be good at to be effective as an entrepreneur is synthesis. 29:20
Do not internationalize early. 29:35
When you wake up the sleeping lions, who believe there’s value in what you do, you sure as hell better get fat. 32:55
Don’t be a conference hoe. 34:40
Focus on large disruptive markets. 39:30
Skate where the puck is going. 40:45
Being too early is the same as being wrong. 41:30